F The Haters


Leadership is a damn staple of the hustlers toolkit. Arianna Huffington said, “One of the greatest skills of leadership is being unflappable. Anytime you do anything in the world, there’s going to be criticism." Leadership comes with many responsibilities, but it also puts a target on your back when failures come around. There are many bad ways to deal with criticism as a leader, so here are some good ways to approach criticism as a freaking hustler. 


Don’t React on Impulse

The first thing you’re going to want to do as a hustler is to not react immediately to the criticism. Rather than react impulsively, it is crucial for you to remain calm and take a step back from the situation as a whole. If you quickly try to approach the criticism without thinking, it can only go poorly. So take a step back and breathe before you handle shit. 

Don’t Take It Personally 

The next step to approaching criticism as a leader is to not take it personally. This isn’t to say don’t work to the best of your ability, but you simply should not worry about what others think about you. If someone is toxic or negative toward you, it’s a reflection of that person. Easier said than done, but releasing yourself from the opinions of others is a major key to being the best hustler you can be. A true entrepreneur rides on their own waves and doesn’t give a crap what others say.


Turn It Into Opportunity

Rather than look at the criticism you’ve received negatively, look at what the criticism represents. Are they right or are they simply blowing smoke up your ass? Whether they’re right or not, take it as an opportunity to turn it into growth. As hustlers, we are constantly growing and getting better, so why not use criticism as a growth tool? 

Criticism is going to come all the time in leadership. Any step you take or pivot you approach will be critiqued, nitpicked, and criticized. Be prepared to take the punches and keep hustling just as hard. F what they say. Stay the course and keep freaking drinking damn good coffee.

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The Glory of the Side Hustle