Grind Those Pure Grind Gourmet Beans Like A Boss.


Coffee snobs, unite. Class is in session, so sit your asses down for the most important life lesson you’ll ever need. Learn how to grind the most bitchin’ batch of Pure Grind Coffee. You don’t half-ass these things all willy nilly. We’re coffee-obsessed, making us care deeply about the art and craft of the snobbery. The beans are freshly-roasted awesomeness for those who kick ass every day. You’ve committed to the bad-assery, so it’s time to do those beans good by grinding them right. Respect them by indulging in their most natural form: dark, pure, and rich. Take your hustle to a whole new freaking level with a darn good grind.

Badass Bladery for Grinding

If you want a magical cup of heaven, it all starts with freshly-ground coffee. Nobody wants craptastic coffee — charred with a hint of sink water. It all starts with the single-most-important equipment in your coffee and hustling game: the grinder. These days, there are a ton of options. So to help you out, we’ve narrowed it down to the most common types.

Hand Grinders

Hand grinders are perfect for anyone pinching pennies. We get it — the hustle is hard, and sometimes we have to start at the basics before we can appreciate the top of the line. You’re far from basic, but the hand grinder is the best option to get yourself going. Plus, with the amount of arm exercises that come with grinding, it’s a great way to get your morning workout in.

Blade Grinders

Wake up with a high-speed whir. With rotating blades similar to a blender, this grinder will ground up those beans real nice. If you’re brewing on a budget, this is your best bet, as they are low in price but get the job done better than a hand grinder.

Burr Grinders

Slowly grind your beans into even pieces with a handy-dandy burr grinder. The burr consists of two circular abrasive surfaces that chop the coffee into more consistent grounds. Choose from a manual one that allows you to crank by hand or an electric one with different functions from coarse to fine. Electric burr models typically cost more than blade grinders.


The Best Way to Brew

After the grinding comes the brewing. You need a French Press. Screw anyone who calls you a snob or an elitist. Wear that crown with pride. Ditch the paper filter nonsense that does nothing but suck the soul out of your beans. You need this device to properly feel that caffeine course through your veins. You’ll be doing your part for the planet and your body.


Grind Like a Hero

Do right by those beans. The beans deserve it. Hell, you deserve it. The cup of coffee isn’t the win; it’s the beans that truly matter. And don’t forget — if you purchase our Coffee Snob Deluxe Kit, you’ll receive the blessed French Press AND grinder. Snag yours now so you can elevate your hustle with Pure Grind Coffee.

Snag Some Gourmet Beans Today

Pure Grind Coffee Snob Starter Kit

Join the coveted coffee snob club with this coffee snob starter kit. You’ll get 3 16oz. bags of freshly roasted awesomeness and your choice of either a French Press or Coffee Grinder.

The Pure Grind Coffee snob starter kit ensures that your path to pure coffee snobbery will be short. Tear open that bag (with dignity of course), take in the heavenly aroma, grind those beans to perfection, brew, sip, sip some more, and then go and brew some more. Welcome to coffee snobbery at its finest, welcome to Pure Grind Coffee.


The Subtle Art OF True Coffee Snobbery


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