Hustlers Don’t Complain. They Figure It Out.


You work with someone who complains too much. Your wife complains too much. Your kids complain too much. Hell, you even complain too much. But you need to dial down that negative noise, as it has no space in a hustler’s realm. OK, so your car broke down, you didn’t close that deal, and you feel like you’re just not hitting it out of the park. But sit down, hush up, and identify the problem and create solutions. That’s how you’ll figure shit out and keep it moving.

You’re Not Alone

Yes, it’s super cliché, but fear and anxiety plants inside your brain the idea that you’re the only one dealing with an issue. But we guarantee you, the problem has arisen for someone else before. And they made it through with some damage control and problem-solving skills. Find inspiration in people who have already conquered your challenges.


Frustrations Are a Part of Life

The things people complain about usually involve being annoyed by something, being dissatisfied with a situation, or feeling threatened. You may feel like you are powerless in a situation, but you have control over your own self and your behavior. This energy can build up and cause physical discomfort. Complaining is human nature’s way of releasing the pent-up energy. In reality, all venting does is take our problems and make them someone else’s. Rather than solving a problem, you are just trying to get people on your side. That’s not the best way to blow off steam because the problem is still lingering. You’ve just swept it under the rug, and we guarantee you it’ll resurface. Then you’re just on a hamster wheel and pushing people away with your negativity. Stop spinning on this endless cycle. Hustlers don’t waste time complaining because they know it doesn’t improve their situation. You will gain nothing and lose everything.


Vent to the right person — thoughtfully. If your colleague is causing you distress because they are always late to important meetings, address them directly. A simple and direct form of communication could ease the tension. If you lost a deal to someone else, have a talk with yourself. Why did it blow over? How could you change it for next time? There’s nothing wrong with someone having the same idea and taking it to the next level. This just means they got to it quicker and your come-up is a whole other opportunity. Be patient — your beans are brewing. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


Drink Up

Winning doesn’t happen without losing. Read that again. Fail. Fail again. Fail hard. Prepare, don’t react. That’s how you learn — you don’t quit. Double your efforts and keep it moving. There’s always another day, when you get to wake up again and drink your coffee. You need that blood flowing through your brain and veins. You’ll feel that adrenaline you need to keep it moving. Your body wakes up and you’re unstoppable. Be productive and be valuable. Don’t be a Negative Nancy. If you can’t handle the heat, you’re most certainly in the wrong business.

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Entrepreneurs Don’t Bitch About Mondays


Dear Fears: F Off