The Rise & Grind Blog, From Pure Grind Coffee

Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

Entrepreneurs Don’t Bitch About Mondays


You hear it all the time — “I don’t like Mondays.” We heard The Boomtown Rats sing it in 1979. It’s a line made famous because it was graffitied on the walls of Shermer High School, the set of “The Breakfast Club.” But the cool thing to do isn’t to bitch about Mondays; it’s making the best of Mondays. The first day of the week is a fresh start, a new day to conquer the life you are trying to build. Instead of complaining about Mondays, find a solution or change to overcome your blues.

Take a Walk

If you’re feeling stressed, one of the best ways to clear your head is to go for a walk. Walking helps you wind down, boosts your brain capabilities, and stimulates creativity. It’s a healthy activity that gives you a break from the everyday stresses of your hustle.


Love What You Do

It sounds so cliché, but don’t do things that you really hate. You are in control of your life, so you get to call the shots. Eliminate any toxic or unhealthy attitudes, environments, and relationships. There are going to be days that feel like the end of the world, but a bad day isn’t a bad life. Sometimes our passion for what we do can make us feel frustrated. Don’t confuse frustration with toxicity. Your hustle should be something you feel passionate about.

Learn Something New

Like we say: Never stop learning. Be curious. If you feel like your hustle needs a bit of a boost, seek ways to step it up. Go the extra mile. Read blogs, watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts, absorb any and every information you get your hands on. This refuel will kickstart your motivation and make you hungry for the win.


Make the Best of It

Make the best of your situation. If you have long commutes, find good music or podcasts to make the ride more enjoyable. If you have back-to-back meetings, take a few moments in between to step outside and breathe. If you aren’t feeling motivated at the office, redecorate with uplighting decor. This is the hand that you’ve been dealt with, so work with it.

Do Something Creative

While drinking your Pure Grind coffee, write down creative ideas that will restore your spirit. Use Mondays to plan out a successful week. What is one creative thing you can accomplish each day that will make you feel happy? Challenge yourself. Get ahead of the game by mapping out your own rules.

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Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

Hustlers Don’t Complain. They Figure It Out.


You work with someone who complains too much. Your wife complains too much. Your kids complain too much. Hell, you even complain too much. But you need to dial down that negative noise, as it has no space in a hustler’s realm. OK, so your car broke down, you didn’t close that deal, and you feel like you’re just not hitting it out of the park. But sit down, hush up, and identify the problem and create solutions. That’s how you’ll figure shit out and keep it moving.

You’re Not Alone

Yes, it’s super cliché, but fear and anxiety plants inside your brain the idea that you’re the only one dealing with an issue. But we guarantee you, the problem has arisen for someone else before. And they made it through with some damage control and problem-solving skills. Find inspiration in people who have already conquered your challenges.


Frustrations Are a Part of Life

The things people complain about usually involve being annoyed by something, being dissatisfied with a situation, or feeling threatened. You may feel like you are powerless in a situation, but you have control over your own self and your behavior. This energy can build up and cause physical discomfort. Complaining is human nature’s way of releasing the pent-up energy. In reality, all venting does is take our problems and make them someone else’s. Rather than solving a problem, you are just trying to get people on your side. That’s not the best way to blow off steam because the problem is still lingering. You’ve just swept it under the rug, and we guarantee you it’ll resurface. Then you’re just on a hamster wheel and pushing people away with your negativity. Stop spinning on this endless cycle. Hustlers don’t waste time complaining because they know it doesn’t improve their situation. You will gain nothing and lose everything.


Vent to the right person — thoughtfully. If your colleague is causing you distress because they are always late to important meetings, address them directly. A simple and direct form of communication could ease the tension. If you lost a deal to someone else, have a talk with yourself. Why did it blow over? How could you change it for next time? There’s nothing wrong with someone having the same idea and taking it to the next level. This just means they got to it quicker and your come-up is a whole other opportunity. Be patient — your beans are brewing. You can’t pour from an empty cup.


Drink Up

Winning doesn’t happen without losing. Read that again. Fail. Fail again. Fail hard. Prepare, don’t react. That’s how you learn — you don’t quit. Double your efforts and keep it moving. There’s always another day, when you get to wake up again and drink your coffee. You need that blood flowing through your brain and veins. You’ll feel that adrenaline you need to keep it moving. Your body wakes up and you’re unstoppable. Be productive and be valuable. Don’t be a Negative Nancy. If you can’t handle the heat, you’re most certainly in the wrong business.

Fuel Your Hustle With A Freaking Freshly Roasted Bag Of Beans.

Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans
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Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans

You need these small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Our kick-ass beans come from the mountains of Central and South America and boast low acidity with an amazing bold flavor profile that will probably change your life.

Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small batches so your beans will be amazingly fresh AND awesome. Enjoy a 16oz bag today!.

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Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

5 Things Every Entrepreneur Should Be Doing


You might think successful people have it easy. But think again; they had to take that intense climb to the top. Ask any entrepreneur and they will tell you it isn’t easy. It’s never been easy, and it never will be easy. Anything could change at any minute. And really, once you make it to the top, there’s only one way to go. To continue rising and staying afloat, incorporate these tips into your grind.

Get Up Early

Be an early riser and get a headstart on your day. We get it — you’re tired, you want to sleep later, and you may have to head to a job that makes you miserable. We’re going to tell you some of the most important words you’ll ever need to know in business: Stop complaining. Instead, solve problems. Successful people are proactive and have side hustles they need to fit into their schedule. Create some space in your day, and set the tone from the start. Wake up early, read the news, drink your coffee, and enjoy how good it feels to feel those roasted beans run through your veins. That’s when you start to feel alive.


Start A Blog

Blogging is one of the best ways to reach your target audience. Social media is the way of life now, and people spend countless hours on it daily. It’s user-friendly and the way most people find information. Produce engaging content, use a variety of media — including audio and video content, and solve your audience’s problems. That’s the goal: fixing their issues. Once you’ve got them on your site, try to keep them there. They’ll likely enjoy their stay and continue to visit.

Never Stop Learning

One of the most effective ways to grow your business is to continue learning. Be curious. Ask questions. Dive into topics about anything and everything. Every day, there are new marketing rules and changes to algorithms. You need to be in the know and up to date. Take classes instructed by people who are successful in their industry, and learn from their mistakes. Listen to podcasts, watch videos, and read books. Take notes. Entrepreneurship is like going to business school every day, without having to step foot on campus.

Work Out And Meditate

We know you work hard. You feel like you’re always on the go. You don’t have time for anything. Your meals come from drive-thrus. But we can’t emphasize enough how important it is to be committed to your health. If you’re not in good shape, you can’t hustle. Prepare healthier snacks ahead of time, and make sure you work out. Again, wake up early and get moving. A good workout routine will make you feel more productive and successful, as your brain and blood circulate. If you don’t have time to go to the gym, go for a walk or buy workout gear for your home. Take a few minutes at a redlight to close your eyes and meditate. Take deep breaths in between the hustle and bustle of your day. Clear your brain and keep on.


Have Fun And Drink More Pure Grind Coffee

Loving what you do is the most important part of being a successful entrepreneur. Sure, you’ll have your down days, days where you feel like you need a break, but overall you need to believe in the mission and be passionate about it. That’s how you win. Keep your eye on the prize. Don’t forget the coffee. Cheers!

Get Your Hustle On With Pure Grind.

Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans
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Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans

You need these small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Our kick-ass beans come from the mountains of Central and South America and boast low acidity with an amazing bold flavor profile that will probably change your life.

Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small batches so your beans will be amazingly fresh AND awesome. Enjoy a 16oz bag today!.

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Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

People Who Are Killing It: Marcia Kilgore


Every day, you wake up, you wash your face, you drink your Pure Grind coffee, and you get on to your hustle. It’s time to kick the day in the ass. That’s what serial entrepreneur Marcia Kilgore does. She kills it, and she never stops.

When she was 17, Marcia moved from Canada to New York after high school with just $300 in her pocket and no plan.

When she moved to the States, Marcia learned how to do facials on herself because she was on a quest to battle her acne-prone skin. Her endeavor was so successful, it led to opening a spa and starting a skincare line called Bliss in 1996. Starting out of a room in New York City, the spa became so popular it booked months in advance and had a schedule full of celebrity clientele. The products are filling the shelves of stores like Ulta and Target and are filling up markets globally. The brand’s slogan: best face forward. By putting her best face forward, she is taking over the beauty world.


There’s a reason she’s called a serial entrepreneur; Marcia is changing the beauty business one company at a time. Having built five companies over the last two decades, she can’t stop, and she won’t stop. The woman is a slinger, launching business ventures left and right.

On the great Gary Vee’s show, Marcia said,

“There is no shortcut. There is no way around it. You just have to work and sacrifice.”


Marcia is often asked what’s upcoming in the works — since someone on their grind is always thinking ahead for what’s next. Sometimes we find ourselves on a path with no direction. A true hustler doesn’t need guidance; they find a way. That’s how they learn to be good on their own. You have to be your own compass. By taking life day by day, she is now a disruptive business mogul and brain behind multiple beauty brands. Stories like hers are the motivational mindset behind Pure Grind. Some things we can learn from Marcia Kilgore? Take risks, live day by day, and put your best face forward. Like a true hustler.

Grab Some Fuel For Your Own Hustle

Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans

You need these small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Our kick-ass beans come from the mountains of Central and South America and boast low acidity with an amazing bold flavor profile that will probably change your life.

Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small batches so your beans will be amazingly fresh AND awesome. Enjoy a 16oz bag today!.

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Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

Good Habits That Lead to Your Success


Learn From Failures

Shit happens. Everyone has failed — even the most admired. Your favorite hustler worked her way from the ground up. Failure doesn’t discriminate; we all face it. And we all learn from it. Don’t allow it to control you or your life. When you fail, observe what you did, what you did well, what you could do better, and what you’re going to do about it. Always think about your next move.

Embrace Positive Attitudes


Every day you wake up, you choose your attitude. Yes, it’s a choice. Put on an outfit that makes you feel good. Smile, even if you aren’t feeling up to it. Prepare yourself to walk out of the door and into the world. Your attitude is part of your body language. Nobody wants to be around a negative person. A positive mindset is all about practice and discipline. Some days you’ll wake up and feel like life caught up to you and you can’t keep on. Get your priorities in line and the power will follow. Recommit, don’t quit. Hustlers don’t quit!

Establish Your Purpose

When you clearly see your target, the easier it is to hit it. Don’t do things just because; do things with purpose. Ask yourself these questions: What do you want to do? Why do you want to do it? How can you do it? Then you find the power to achieve it, and that’s where you discover who you are.


Compete With Only Yourself

Fear no one. Don’t be intimidated by others or beat yourself up about the competition. Be great all on your own. Eliminate anything on your social media feeds that make you feel disappointed in your own life. Remember what Theodore Roosevelt said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Everyone gets beat at some point in their lives. Sometimes people execute your same ideas before you. But that’s nobody’s fault; they just acted quicker than you. So respect the competition, but do not fear them. Be inspired by them, and surround yourself with motivation.

Fuel The Hustle

Grab a bag of Pure Grind and get to work!

Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans

You need these small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Our kick-ass beans come from the mountains of Central and South America and boast low acidity with an amazing bold flavor profile that will probably change your life.

Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small batches so your beans will be amazingly fresh AND awesome. Enjoy a 16oz bag today!.

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Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

Making a Good First Impression

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You’re on your way to meet a potential client. You’ve got your new ASOS dress on. You’re ready to kick ass and make a good first impression. The first five seconds you meet somebody makes all the difference. Take these tips into consideration when you’re out there hustling.

Be On Time

The first rule of thumb for any meeting is to be on time. To get off to a good start, punctuality is the key. Everybody’s time is valuable, and making them wait is not an option. Frankly, the people you meet for the first time don’t give a crap about your excuse — no matter how good it is. Plan on arriving early — at least 15 minutes — and in your timing, consider the possible traffic or delays. Remember: It’s better to be early than late!

Dress Well

If you’re going to a business meeting, don’t dress like you’re going to a bar. Appearance matters. What’s the dress code or occasion? Do your research before you go. It sounds shallow, but people identify who you are based on the clothing you wear and how you present yourself to the world. But don’t worry, you can still be yourself! If you’re quirky and artsy, with an arm tattoo and a nose ring, that’s okay. Just know your audience.



Facial expressions are extremely important to a first impression. This might be the most important task to consider when meeting somebody. A winning smile is one that is confident and warm, that will put the people around you at ease. Everyone wants their brand to be associated with positivity. But don’t go overboard, — you don’t want to come off cheesy or fake.


The Right Handshake

Ah, the handshake. The handshake is an important sign of professionalism and politeness. You want your handshake to convey confidence. Don’t squeeze too hard, but also don’t be a dead fish. It’s gotta be just right. Test your handshake with your friends, and let them tell you how you shake.

Body Language

Your body language is a tell-all to your demeanor. Your attitude is everything, and it definitely shows in your body. Body language can speak more volumes than words do. Stand tall, make eye contact, smile big, and shake hands firmly. Project yourself courteously and confidently, and also be attentive. Put your phone away and let this person know they’ve got your full attention. If you are nervous, don’t fear! Lots of people get nervous before meeting someone for the first time. Be aware of your nervous habits so you can keep them in check.

Be Yourself

You do have to fit into the world a little, but don’t ever lose yourself or pretend you’re something you’re not. Being authentic will help the other person build trust and respect you. You’re not someone known to dress in business suits, you love to say the word shit, and your hair is blue. Own it. You are you and that’s what sets you apart. Keep it up.

Grab Some Fuel For Hustle!

Original Blend Small Batch Coffee Beans

You need these small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Our kick-ass beans come from the mountains of Central and South America and boast low acidity with an amazing bold flavor profile that will probably change your life.

Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small batches so your beans will be amazingly fresh AND awesome. Enjoy a 16oz bag today!.

Pure Grind, your coffee subscription service, isn’t your average cup. It’s not meant for caramel cookie crunch creamer or coconut matcha milk. It’s meant for the snobs, the purists, the people who want what they want when they want it. The people who hustle, who wake up every day excited to work and just go. The people who take their ideas, their dreams, their passion, and make it their reality. The people who give a damn about quality, details, and making IT happen.

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Motivation Thomas Jelneck Motivation Thomas Jelneck

Start Small, Think Big.

The basis of any new entrepreneurial endeavor is to start small and think big. This mindset is how you’re going to kickstart — and kick ass — the rest of your life. The way you think fuels everything. Thinking big allows you to see opportunities that small thinkers may overlook. The best and most successful entrepreneurs find balance between the big vision and starting point. Here’s how to think big when you’re building a business. 

Write It Down

When you write things down, you start to believe in them. This simple, yet effective technique, takes your vision out of your head and brings it into reality. The two most important items to write on your list are: 

1. Where you want to be in five years: This step is important in moving forward to where you want to be in life. 

2. Why do you want it: The “why” in your story is perhaps the most important part. 

Measurable goals always start with a purpose. Be sure to hash out the details. When you are clear about why you want it, you become a self-starter!


Think Scalable

You won’t be able to grow your business without a scalable model. When you start to develop a solid business plan, your brain gets into gear and starts thinking big. When your thinking is big, your actions will get big. Ben Franklin used to ask himself every morning: “What good shall I do today?” At the end of the day, he asked: “What good have I done today?” Franklin had the entrepreneurial mindset and challenged himself to do big things daily. Ask yourself the same questions.

10X Everything

If you really want to challenge yourself to think big, follow the 10X rule. Multiply your goal by 10. If you want to make 10 million dollars, you need to multiply that by 10, equalling a 100 million dollar revenue. It levels up your thinking and sets the standard for how you do business. Practice this process until it becomes a pattern in your brain.


Thinking big doesn’t just mean setting goals in your own little bubble. Grasp the “take over the world” mindset. On the 1990s TV show Pinky and the Brain, what did the Brain always say to Pinky? Pinky often asked, “Gee, Brain, what do you think you want to do tonight?” As always, Brain, replied, “The same thing we do every night — try to take over the world!” It’s not just a mad idea; it’s the basis of your vision. Thinking local won’t take you to the big leagues. Shift your mindset to a perspective that works all around the world. Then, you will change the world. Think big, act big!

Join the club and grab some fuel for the hustle.

Small Batch Coffee Beans Monthly Subscription
from $17.99 every month

You need these freshly roasted, small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small delicious batches, fresh, delicious, whole beaned goodness. Our monthly subscription plans are the bee’s knees, each month, you’ll receive freshly roasted bag(s) of our original whole bean small-batch roast. 16oz of whole bean awesomeness.

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Thomas Jelneck Thomas Jelneck

Where the Heck Do You Find the Motivation to Keep Going?

You’ve hit a point where you feel like you can’t be creative anymore. We’ve all been there. You’re worried you lost your mojo... that your last piece of work was your final piece, that nobody will appreciate what you’ll do next. But that’s not the case — you just need a kick-in-the-ass reminder of how to power through, and dammit, that’s what we’re here to do.

Show Up

Seriously, just show up. It may sound deceivingly simple, but it’s the first step in getting the motivation you need to get moving. Force yourself out of bed, pull yourself together, get dressed, and get to work. Once you start, you’ll be unstoppable!

Change Your Scene

Working at your office desk may be stifling your creativity. Skip the frustrating morning commute, and set up office right at your home. Create a dedicated workspace that will encourage you to get down to business. Set the mood by decorating your walls with images that inspire you, choose colors that uplift you, and place plants on your desk to create a calming environment. Be sure you have your Pure Grind beans nearby! You’ll want to be where the coffee is; it’s what’s driving you to get the gold.


Set Goals

Goals are the stepping stones in your career. Give yourself a pat on the back because you’ve already checked off the first step: getting started. It sounds so Nike, but just do it. Start small with short-term attainable goals. You’ll feel all warm inside when you knock those little ones off your list. Then you’ll feel ready to level up to the big stuff, like mid-term and long-term goals. Remember to identify your purpose when establishing clear and compelling plans. Embrace being your own boss, and set your own strict deadlines to keep yourself productive. 

Be sure you’re implementing BIG HAIRY AUDACIOUS GOALS (BHAG, pronounced bee-hag). Coined by business consultant and author, Jim Collins, this term refers to using bold missions as a powerful mechanism to stimulate progress. So make those goals hairy ones! 

And don’t forget to make them S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, (In A) Specific Time Frame. Doing so puts power behind your goals. As Tony Robbins says, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” 

Don’t let artist’s block get you down. From here, you set the stage for success. So show up, take risks, and kick ass!


Join the Hustle Club Today.

Small Batch Coffee Beans Monthly Subscription
from $17.99 every month

You need these freshly roasted, small batch coffee beans in your life. They’re bold. They’re delicious. They don’t apologize for being their awesome self. Each batch of Pure Grind is meticulously roasted in small delicious batches, fresh, delicious, whole beaned goodness. Our monthly subscription plans are the bee’s knees, each month, you’ll receive freshly roasted bag(s) of our original whole bean small-batch roast. 16oz of whole bean awesomeness.

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