Start Small, Think Big.

The basis of any new entrepreneurial endeavor is to start small and think big. This mindset is how you’re going to kickstart — and kick ass — the rest of your life. The way you think fuels everything. Thinking big allows you to see opportunities that small thinkers may overlook. The best and most successful entrepreneurs find balance between the big vision and starting point. Here’s how to think big when you’re building a business. 

Write It Down

When you write things down, you start to believe in them. This simple, yet effective technique, takes your vision out of your head and brings it into reality. The two most important items to write on your list are: 

1. Where you want to be in five years: This step is important in moving forward to where you want to be in life. 

2. Why do you want it: The “why” in your story is perhaps the most important part. 

Measurable goals always start with a purpose. Be sure to hash out the details. When you are clear about why you want it, you become a self-starter!


Think Scalable

You won’t be able to grow your business without a scalable model. When you start to develop a solid business plan, your brain gets into gear and starts thinking big. When your thinking is big, your actions will get big. Ben Franklin used to ask himself every morning: “What good shall I do today?” At the end of the day, he asked: “What good have I done today?” Franklin had the entrepreneurial mindset and challenged himself to do big things daily. Ask yourself the same questions.

10X Everything

If you really want to challenge yourself to think big, follow the 10X rule. Multiply your goal by 10. If you want to make 10 million dollars, you need to multiply that by 10, equalling a 100 million dollar revenue. It levels up your thinking and sets the standard for how you do business. Practice this process until it becomes a pattern in your brain.


Thinking big doesn’t just mean setting goals in your own little bubble. Grasp the “take over the world” mindset. On the 1990s TV show Pinky and the Brain, what did the Brain always say to Pinky? Pinky often asked, “Gee, Brain, what do you think you want to do tonight?” As always, Brain, replied, “The same thing we do every night — try to take over the world!” It’s not just a mad idea; it’s the basis of your vision. Thinking local won’t take you to the big leagues. Shift your mindset to a perspective that works all around the world. Then, you will change the world. Think big, act big!

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Sonni Abatta : Turning Passion Into Reality.


Lessons From a Hustler: Steve Madden